10901 E Garden Dr.

Waterproof coatings for high-end apartments in Aurora

10901 E Garden Dr.

High-end Apartments


10901 E Garden Dr, Aurora, CO 80012
We were hired to install waterproof coatings that would be safer and easier to clean.


The stairwells and walkways were in need of a facelift. They had suffered from spilled liquids, damage from pets, garbage leaking, and harsh weather. Additionally, environmental factors frequently lead to worsening problems, so completing this project before winter weather was a top priority.


To solve these issues, DCPS installed an assembly that was durable, cleanable, and aesthetically pleasing. The selected coating system provided a fast drying and appealing surface that also protected against elemental exposure, contaminants, and foot traffic. This was all done while accommodating tenant convenience and accessibility.

The DCPS team approached this job with the intention of making it as quick and effective as possible as to not cause too much of a disturbance to the tenants. To do this, we carefully coordinated our efforts with management and facilitated proper access as needed while managing expectations of the residents. We strategically staged our crews and selected the proper system to make the job as painless as possible for everybody.

We started mechanical preparation by grinding the surface to achieve a clean canvas with a porous profile (CSP2) to allow for proper performance of the new system. In order to speed up the process, a prep team was sent out ahead of the coating team. We treated all critical details and surface imperfections, such as cracks, with compatible accessory components of the system. We then primed the entire surface with an epoxy primer to allow for increase adhesion creating the right foundation for a long lasting coating system, followed by 2 UV stable and non-skid top coats to create the desired finish and results. Our clients can rest easy knowing that they selected the right contractor to ensure the job was done right the first time.

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