Lakewood Office Building

Provide solution for failed waterproof coating in occupied space

Lakewood Office Building

A three-building office complex spanning 167,205 square feet, located in Lakewood, CO


Lakewood, CO


Failure of existing waterproof traffic coating over occupied space


A three-building office complex spanning 167,205 square feet, located in Lakewood, CO, has an elevated deck with a waterproof traffic coating that was failing and bubbling due to improper installation by the previous contractor.


Remove the existing coating that was failing due to improper application and prepare the substrate and concrete before applying a moisture mitigation epoxy primer and waterproof traffic coating to prevent further damage.

Our team assessed conditions of the existing assembly by performing deconstructive testing and discovered that the previous contractor had not properly prepared the substrate nor applied an effective moisture mitigation epoxy primer. Our crew removed the failing coating and prepared the surface by multiple mechanical means to create a suitable profile (CSP-4) for the new waterproof traffic coating.

After preparing the concrete and patching surface imperfections, the crew applied a moisture mitigation epoxy primer, detailed all joints and cracks, and installed a heavy-duty, waterproof, 2-component, and UV-stable urethane traffic coating assembly with non-skid aggregate. Both applications waterproofed the deck and provided a non-skid surface that suited the client’s needs.

Due to advanced planning and preparation, we finished on time and within budget. As with all DCPS projects, our team provided several progress reports throughout the project to keep the customer informed of the progress and process.

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