Exterior Porter Services

First impressions matter. The appearance of your facility's grounds and walkways is crucial for attracting customers, tenants, and investors. With exterior porter services, you secure ongoing maintenance, safety, and liability reporting, backed by an additional watchful presence on your property. Our Porters conduct routine inspections as they execute their duties, promptly notifying you of any potential hazards to facilitate timely repairs and minimize liability for injuries.

Exterior Porter Services

First impressions matter. The appearance of your facility's grounds and walkways is crucial for attracting customers, tenants, and investors. With exterior porter services, you secure ongoing maintenance, safety, and liability reporting, backed by an additional watchful presence on your property. Our Porters conduct routine inspections as they execute their duties, promptly notifying you of any potential hazards to facilitate timely repairs and minimize liability for injuries. Our services include:

  • Pick up perimeter trash and other debris
  • Clean trash enclosures
  • Empty trash cans, cigarette butts, and dumpster areas
  • Clean windowsills and frames, and remove cobwebs

  • Clean and restock bathrooms
  • Clean and sanitize handrails
  • Weed and flower bed cleanup
  • Change exterior light bulbs

Specialty Services:

  • Removing algae and mold from exterior walls
  • Fixing street signs, potholes, and curbs

Daily, weekly, and monthly services available

DCPS Portering Services

SWEEPING Professional